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Update Türkei: Schreiben eines türkischen Kollegen zur aktuellen Lage

Immer wieder erreichen E-Mails türkischer Kollegen die internationale Richtervereinigung. Die Lage der inhaftierten Richter, Staatsanwälte und anderen hat sich durch die Erlassung des "first emergency law" weiter verschärft. Ein Schreiben über die Auswirkungen dieses Gesetzes ist im Originaltext weiter unten angeführt. Aktuelle Nachrichten finden Sie auch auf unserer Twitter-Seite: @richter_in.

Die internationale Richtervereinigung und viele Standesvertretungen weltweit sind unermüdlich bemüht, auf internationale Organisationen und die Politik einzuwirken, um unsere – ohne konkreten Verdacht – in Haft genommenen und grundlos ihres Amtes enthobenen Kollegen zu unterstützen, ein faires Verfahren unter Einhaltung der Menschenrechte zu gewährleisten und den Rechtsstaat in der Türkei wieder herzustellen.
Auch Sie können eine Beitrag dazu leisten! Bitte unterstützen Sie die Online-Petition an den Europarat unter diesem Link:

Online Petition

E-Mail eines türkischen Kollegen an die internationale Richtervereinigung IAJ:

Dear Colleagues,

First of all we would like to extend our condolences to the families of victims and the rest of German citizens due to the heinous terrorist attack that cost many people life in Germany. Everyone knows the source of terror. The swamp must be drought. You know who are the feeders of the swamp creatures.

As to Turkey,

The first emergence law is in force as of today. It brings as follows:

  1. The duration of detention/custody is extended up to 30 days.
  2. All governmental staff including judges and prosecutors who are in the suspicious list will be dismissed without any disciplinary investigation. The law says „the assessment of any level of connection with Gulen organisation“ is enough to be dismissed. There is no need to be proved just „assessment by the executive“
  3. YARSAV (Anm.d.Red: unabhängige Standesvertretung der Ri und StA) is closed down as of today according to the list annexed to the emergency law. There is no YARSAV anymore.
  4. Arrested or detained persons may not be contacted with their lawyers if the court says so.
  5. The family visits are narrowed.
  6. The lawyer and client conference will be recorded. If anything in their talk is considered suspicion the right to reach a lawyer can be forbidden by a court decision.
  7. Detainees or arrested ones will have 10 min. phone call with their inner family members in each 15 days. (previous law says detainees can talk once a week and not only with full/large family members but also 3 more other people determined by detainee) .
  8. A person can be represented by max. 3 lawyers not more.

It basically brings that all private institutions which allegedly have any level/type of connection with Gulen organisation are taken over by the government. Moreover, all judges and prosecutors and the other governmental staff are dismissed without any disciplinary investigation. There is no need to wait for until end of the ongoing cases.

Nothing to say. It is almost over.

Please distribute the email without my name as much as possible


(Name wurde zum Schutz der Person von der Red. gelöscht)

Veröffentlicht am: 27. Jul. 2016
